Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Week 9 YouTube

Thought some of you might like to view the video of my brother who was the bass player as well as the writer of this song for the 70s hard rock band, STARZ. Gotta love that logo!


Stella said...

I loved the song! And where are all of these boys today?

Stevie's Princess Dora said...

How cool! I never knew you had a Rock Star in the family! Now you really are one of my idols!

Loomlady said...

STARZ is actually back together sort of and play gigs in NJ/NY. Michael Lee Smith, lead singer, lives in CA, Richie Renno does STARZ stuff and music sales, drummer Joe X. Dube is a landscape architect, and Brendan Harkin lives in Nashville. Sadly my brother, Piet Sweval, who was the bass player and vocalist, passed away Jan. 23, 1990. Check out for more stuff.

Cindy said...

How cool to have video of your brother playing, Kris. I wish I had my sister on film.